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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Ministri çon vetë në spital fëmijën rom pasi i ishte refuzuar shërbimi

Not a few people today are fascinated in the yard of the Military Hospital, where the cars and Social Welfare Minister of Youth, Veliaj, appeared a Roma boy.

With leg in plaster, he headed for the door of the hospital for the second time within a few days.

Elidon little 2 year old child is injured on August 31 on the road in front of the palace with arrows, where for more than five weeks of Roma families have pitched after being expelled from the land of the former décor, where he lived for years.
Veliaj Elidon knew that head during his first day of work to 37 families displaced Roma.

Elidon mother had complained that he had sent his visit to the hospital, but there was despised and go without medication.

Two days later, Veliaj seems to have kept his promise.

He got in his car and has Elidon personally escorted to the Military Hospital, where the child received medical treatment absent.

Veliaj was accompanied by deputy SP, Ziçishti star, former Chief of Emergency.
MSR Minister has promised quick solutions to accommodate Roma, which still today living in abnormal conditions. / GazetaTema /.

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