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Friday, October 4, 2013

Ushqimet qe permbajne karbohidrate, si t’i konsumojme ato!

Carbohydrates are sugars found in foods. A slice of bread contains about 15gr carbohydrate as 3 \ 4 of a cup with CEREAL. Our body gets energy from carbohydrate consumption. In fact, a decrease in blood sugar leads to reduction of work performance, physical activity, and a decrease in overall performance. But a high level of carbohydrates leads to overweight and obesity, plus a series of pathologies associated with obesity. How should you take foods that contain carbohydrates. In a 2000 calorie diet should consume 225-235 grams of carbohydrates a day. From 45% to 65% of calories should come from carbohydrate foods consumption. But these foods are not all the same. Not to increase the level of glicemisë should not consume foods with refined carbohydrates like rice integral, integral bread, oatmeal, legumes, fruits with low content of carbohydrates and vegetables without starch. From the moment that reducing carbohydrates in the diet often brings about kostipacion and dehydration due to the increase of troops ketonik, it is best to operate with appropriate choices on the table. Prefer broccoli, cauliflower, vegetables that will help you reduce kostipacionin and will not hinder weight loss as other types of foods that contain carbohydrates. It should also drink plenty of get a vitamin like folic acid and potassium, possibly consumed almonds. Avoid foods like sweets, cereal not integral, pasta and white bread, which you may be healed because of the high index glicemi…. Carbohydrates are sugars found in foods. A slice of bread contains about 15gr carbohydrate as 3 \ 4 of a cup with CEREAL. Our body gets energy from carbohydrate consumption. In fact, a decrease in blood sugar leads to reduction of work performance, physical activity, and a decrease in overall performance. But a high level of carbohydrates leads to overweight and obesity, plus a series of pathologies associated with obesity. How should you take foods that contain carbohydrates. In a 2000 calorie diet should consume 225-235 grams of carbohydrates a day. From 45% to 65% of calories should come from carbohydrate foods consumption. But these foods are not all the same. Not to increase the level of glicemisë should not consume foods with refined carbohydrates like rice integral, integral bread, oatmeal, legumes, fruits with low content of carbohydrates and vegetables without starch. From the moment that reducing carbohydrates in the diet often brings about kostipacion and dehydration due to the increase of troops ketonik, it is best to operate with appropriate choices on the table. Prefer broccoli, cauliflower, vegetables that will help you reduce kostipacionin and will not hinder weight loss as other types of foods that contain carbohydrates. It should also drink plenty of get a vitamin like folic acid and potassium, possibly consumed almonds. Avoid foods like sweets, cereal not integral, pasta and white bread, which you may be healed because of the high index glicemi….

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