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Thursday, September 26, 2013

A ekziston formula e rritjes së fëmijëve të lumtur?

Specialists share with us the key points of upbringing and education of children happy .
Happiness course of children and parents tyre.Kalimi enjoys a happy childhood is the period of greatest help for parents .
Raising children happy is the common desire of all parents .
Is there a formula of bringing up a child happy ? Children fëmiijë happy are those who enjoy life , are sensitive to the surrounding events and creatures , possess good communication with their peers , can feel empathy , express right thoughts and feelings are successful in relationships with adults , not bored face life increases and reductions are determined and reflect the different alternatives for a matter of choice .
Additionally cases of failures përgjithsohen not happy children , but only in the case specified enabling motivation and initiative to remake something . This situation affects their success in social, academic , and in it . With her ​​help they can reflect their life skills by actively used .
The ability of positive thinking is taught in childhood . The formula of growing a happy child starts in pregnancy and extended through the period of adolescence .
Here are some points where you can count on raising happy children :
- should put a strong bond with the child when born . The link starts to form when you get in arms, talk , and look in the eye . You can ` t love your iatregoni often taking wings .
- The easiest way beatification of a child is playing with it. Game are probably not necessarily have a target . It is important to spend time together . Activity facilitating your game outside world conception of the child expands his imaginary world and enables energy discharge in the right place . If you teach them where ye lose games and win the environ family , the child will be more resistant to cuts and downs of everyday life .
award - choice in topics appropriate for their age will increase their vetëbesimine .
trgohuni - praise be careful that you do at the right time .
- can offer alternatives when making negative tests .
- can learn forgiveness and to forgive others facing errors .
- try to stay away from generalizations when criticizing your child , you can make a comment about the case or that behavior .
- not just to spend time together making tasks , but also for entertainment ( eg see a movie together, cook together , to fishing , to hiking ect. ) / newspapers start /

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