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Monday, September 16, 2013

Farat e kungullit bejne mrekulli:Ja cfare duhet te dini

umpkin seeds are truly a miracle for our body … There are few people who actually consume because no one knows that they do wonders. Below are some reasons why you should list the consume as much pumpkin seeds. Parandalojnë cancer - Shëndetine increase prostate - Alleviate the symptoms of menopause - reduce cholesterol - Facilitate diabetes - Facilitate blood circulation. Pumpkin seeds are used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years already. Are the source of . Rich source of magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc and vitamin K. Discover the health benefits of pumpkin seeds and eat them for your health. The study of Spanish scientists have discovered that pumpkin seeds contain components, which successfully fight against cancer cells. In fact, are effective in the fight against various types of cancer and anti-inflamator.Një study the effect of German scientists has found that women who have gone through menopause and consume daily pumpkin seeds, have for 23 percent less risk of creating breast cancer. Showed the same efficiency and sunflower seeds. Prostate Health Pumpkin seed oil is used for the treatment of adult prostate. Fitokemikalie and oil contains antioxidants, which reduce the level of free radicals in the body and prevent the development of cancerous cells. Alleviate the symptoms of menopause If you are looking for a natural way to improve mood or mitigation of symptoms of menopause, pumpkin seeds are an excellent choice. Seeds regulate heat attacks, headaches, reduce pain and reduce the frequency of node sudden changes of mood. Pumpkin seeds are truly a miracle for our body … There are few people who actually consume because no one knows that they do wonders. Below are some reasons why you should list the consume as much pumpkin seeds. Parandalojnë cancer - Shëndetine increase prostate - Alleviate the symptoms of menopause - reduce cholesterol - Facilitate diabetes - Facilitate blood circulation. Pumpkin seeds are used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years already. Are the source of . Rich source of magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc and vitamin K. Discover the health benefits of pumpkin seeds and eat them for your health. The study of Spanish scientists have discovered that pumpkin seeds contain components, which successfully fight against cancer cells. In fact, are effective in the fight against various types of cancer and anti-inflamator.Një study the effect of German scientists has found that women who have gone through menopause and consume daily pumpkin seeds, have for 23 percent less risk of creating breast cancer. Showed the same efficiency and sunflower seeds. Prostate Health Pumpkin seed oil is used for the treatment of adult prostate. Fitokemikalie and oil contains antioxidants, which reduce the level of free radicals in the body and prevent the development of cancerous cells. Alleviate the symptoms of menopause If you are looking for a natural way to improve mood or mitigation of symptoms of menopause, pumpkin seeds are an excellent choice. Seeds regulate heat attacks, headaches, reduce pain and reduce the frequency of node sudden changes of mood.

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